Three New Tags

< span > SPAN < /span >

The span tag targets specific text that one would want to have styled differently.

I have included an example:

In this grouping of words, only the phrase "Carpe Diem" appears differently.

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

<p> In this grouping of words, only the phrase <span style= "color:pink" > "Carpe Diem" </span> appears differently. </p>

I found this tag at

< button > The Button Element < /button >

The button element creates a button.
Text for the button can be bold or even italicized if specified.
The "type" attribute (button, reset, or submit) specifies the type of button.

Here is an example:

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

<button type="button" onclick="alert('Hey, you clicked the button!')"> <i>Click Here</i></button>

I found this tag at

< dl >Description List< / dl >

The description list lists terms along with their descriptions.
The list is specified using the <dl> tag.
<dt> determines the term, and <dd> is the data description tag to determine the definition or description of the term.

Below is an example:

"of or relating to the regions beyond the earth"
"to atone or make amends for something"

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

			 "of or relating to the regions beyond the earth"
			 "to atone or make amends for something"

I found this tag at