CIS 145 Course Work
Chapter 7 Summary
Module 7 covered wireless networking. My very first phone was a 2G (second generation) device. It was a tracfone flip phone, and I had to send text messages by pressing my number keys a certain number of times to equate the letter I wanted. It was very tedious, but I felt so cool anyhow. Granted this is when most of my class owned their own 3G smartphones. I did not own a smartphone until I was 18. The book is a little outdated because they stop at 4G. My current device is 5G capable.
I use the hotspot feature on my phone when I am staying at a hotel, and used it exclusively as my main form of internet when I lived in a home in a rural area. I do wish I knew about MIFI when I lived rurally. Because I used my phone, after 2G of data used through its hotspot, my provider would reduce my service to 600kbps.
I have made the same mistake many homeowners or renters make after having wireless installed. I have never changed my default login information. The module recommends changing the default login credentials and keeping it in a safe place. I also want to utilize MAC (Media Access Control) address filtering to only allow devices I have identified to connect to my internet. If I manage to do this with all of my devices, I could disable my SSID (service set Identifier) for extra protection.<<back | next>>
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